PRJ-32 - Design and Construction of Aerospace Systems
Requirements: none. Weekly hours: 1-0-3-3. Notions of rocket, satellite and earth station. Mission definition. System definition. Project. Manufacturing, assembly integration and system tests. Launch and operation. Bibliografia: Wertz, J. R. & Larsson, J. W., eds., Space Mission Analysis and Design, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1999; Fortescue, P., Stark, J., eds., Spacecraft Systems Engineering, 2a ed., John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, 1995; Sutton, G. P. Rocket Propulsion Elements, 7a Edição, Wiley, Nova Iorque, EUA, 2001
A system starts from an idea, from the needs of stakeholders, which need to be translated into concrete solutions. Designers need to know the unfolding of the architecture of space missions, as well as the organizations that allow the realization of this architecture. In Aerospace Engineering (Space), the project begins with the use of a reference architecture to structure a space mission.
In the book “Space Mission Analyzis and Design”, Wertz gathered in a “cookbook”, or main system elements that serve as a starting point for space mission engineering. These system elements, as well as the method presented in the book, need to be known by Aerospace Engineers, so that the best decisions can be made.
Learning Objectives
- OA-001 - Be able to apply the reference architecture for space missions (Bloom level 3).
- OA-002 - Be able to select the elements that are part of space systems (Bloom level 5).
- OA-003 - Be able to justify the necessary functions to carry out a space mission. Learn the space mission functions and interfaces (Bloom level 5).
- OA-004 - Be able to propose an operational concept for a space mission (Bloom level 6).
- OA-005 - Be able to propose mission and system requirements for a space mission (Bloom level 6).