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[INPE][MSc][2014] Virtual Reality Techniques employed into Satellite Operational Simulators

  • chris 


Space Systems development requires understanding of several modelling and simulation resources to accomplish space mission goals. The largest and more complex simulator developed into the space mission context is the operational simulator, which aims to support all operational activities before, during and after launch. This work proposes a user interface based on virtual reality to satellite operational simulator, proposing a 3D interactive visualization with multiple views, 3D models, conic views and contextualized panels techniques to navigate through simulated data. The user interface uses third generation interaction concepts instead of the windows, icon, menu and pointer metaphor (called WIMP metaphor - Windows, Icon, Menu and Pointer ). A simple operational simulator to illustrate and evaluate the user-interface was developed with simplified behaviour and orbit propagation. The proposed user interface was evaluated by an usability questionnaire with experienced INPE users. The results show that the the interactive techniques applied were well accepted by different types of users. The tests, expansion and reuse of this work are discussed in this essay.



Dissertação de Mestrado do Curso de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Tecnologia Espaciais/Engenharia e Gerenciamento de Sistemas Espaciais, orientada pelos Drs. Walter Abrahão dos Santos, e Ana Maria Ambrosio, aprovada em 17 de fevereiro de 2014.

The product is no longer the basis of value. The experience is“. Venkat Ramaswamy