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[TE-265] 2019

  • chris 

Ementa: Engenharia de Sistema baseada em ModelosApresentação do método Agile para o desenvolvimento de sistemas aeroespaciais. Introdução ao SysML. Taxonomia do SysML. Identificação e modelagem de Stakeholders utilizando Use Case Scenarios. Geração de requisitos de Stakeholders a partir dos cenários. Identificação e modelagem do Sistema utilizando Use Cases. Geração de requisitos de sistemas aeroespaciais. Identificação e modelagem dos subsistemas. Construção da arquitetura do sistema. Alocação dos requisitos aos elementos da arquitetura. Identificação e captura dos requisitos de interfaces do sistema de interesse com seus níveis hierárquicos e com seus sistemas de apoio.


  • Instructor(s): Prof. Loures, Prof. Christopher and Prof. Jonas
  • ITA Course Number: TE-265
  • As taught in: 2019
  • Department: Aerospace Systems 
  • Level: Graduated


Complex aerospace and related systems consist of thousands of engineering decisions that are presented for fulfilling the stakeholders’ needs. In order to create systems, it is necessary to engage in “system thinking”, where “system thinking looks at relationships (rather than unrelated objects), connectedness, process (rather than structure), the whole (rather than just its parts), the patterns (rather than the contents) of a system and context” (R. Ackoff with H. Addison and A. Carey, Systems Thinking for Curious Managers, Triarchy Press, 2010). A system begins with an idea that must be translated into reality. The designers must find a way to clearly show when and how the reality confirms the idea. System Engineering is concerned with the design, building, and use of systems composed of concrete entities and organizations (composed of processes). Engaging in system engineering requires an organized means of thinking about those systems in their operational contexts. System Engineering begins by identifying the needs of the users and the stakeholders to assure that the right problem is being addressed. Then, it is crafted those needs into a definition of the system, identifying the functions that meet those needs, allocating the functions to system entities and finally confirming that the system performs as designed and satisfies the need of the user.In the world of engineering design, models connect the ideas behind a design solution with its implementation as a real system. These models attempt to represent the entities of the engineering problem and their relationships to each other. Every model has four elements: (i) language - the set of symbols that express and represent the model clearly, so that understanding and sight can arise; (i) structure - description of entities relationships to capture system format and behavior; (iii) argumentation - pragmatic intention of the model need which represents the system in such a way that the team can demonstrate that the system accomplishes its purposes, and (iv) presentation - mechanisms of showing the argument in a way that can be seen and understood.So, Model Based System Engineering is fundamentally a thought process, that allows the System Engineering team to be effective using the major advantages that arises of using models as the basis of system thinking.

Learning Objectives

The students in this class will be able to achieve the following learning outcomes:

  • LO-001 - Describe the MBSE process and the available methodologies.
  • LO-002 - Distinguish the differences between MBSE and traditional System Engineering.
  • LO-003 - Structure the key steps in the MBSE process starting with stakeholder analyzing and ending with the End Product Breakdown Structure to handoff to downstream engineering.
  • LO-004 - Characterize the limitations of the way that current MBSE methodologies are practiced in terms of dealing with complexity, collaboration, and other factors.
  • LO-005 - Apply some of the MBSE methodologies (OPM & Arcadia) to a Cyber-Electro-Mechanical System Project as a steppingstone to more complex and real-world project.


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A happy start! 🙂