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Priscila Renata Silva Barros PhD Thesis

  • chris 

Title: Multimethodology for eliciting stakeholder needs in the initial phases of systems engineering

Abstract: The development of complex systems is a challenge in which understanding the needs of the people and entities that affect or will be affected by this system is fundamental to its successful implementation. This thesis proposes a composition of methodologies to aid stakeholder needs elicitation in the initial phases of Systems Engineering through Problem Structuring and systematization using Controlled Natural Language. The result obtained was the expression of an artifact, a multi-methodology, and the additional development of a modeling palette in the Capella software, Arcadia method, to implement the system’s Operating Concept. The multimethodological proposal was applied in two real examples, one in the delimitation of scenarios to detect and avoid collisions in non-segregated airspace in the drone traffic zone and the other in the initial phase of idealizing a constellation of small Brazilian satellites. In both applications, we observe the generation of knowledge about the problem, boosting the systems engineering. The conclusions are that, with the use of multimethodology, variations in understanding the problem can be better understood and explained, minimizing the conflicts they generate, and that the formalization of a language structure in favor of Model-Based Systems Engineering provided the opportunity for revisits to the project by those interested in the system.

Keywords: Systems Engineering. Problems Structuring Methods PSM. Controlled Natural Language. Agile Development. Space Systems.

Date: 09 de abril de 2024
