x^2*(1-c)+c x*y*(1-c)-z*sx*z*(1-c)+y*s 0 y*x*(1-c)+z*s y^2*(1-c)+c y*z*(1-c)-x*s 0 x*z*(1-c)-y*s y*z*(1-c)+x*s z^2*(1-c)+c 0 0 0 0 1}
[x, y, z] - a vector about which the rotation should be done
c - cos(alpha)
s - sin(alpha)
alpha - rotation angle
function CreateGlRotateMatrix(angle, x, y, z: single) : TMatrix; var axis: TVector3f; b, c, ac, s: single; invLen : Single; begin angle:= vectorgeometry.degtorad(angle); invLen:= RSqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); x:= x * invLen; y:= y * invLen; z:= z * invLen; result:= IdentityHmgMatrix; c:= cos(angle); s:= sin(angle); result[0,0] := (x*x) * (1-c)+c; result[1,0] := x*y * (1-c)-z*s; result[2,0] := x*z * (1-c)+y*s; result[0,1] := y*x * (1-c)+z*s; result[1,1] := (y*y) * (1-c)+c; result[2,1] := y*z * (1-c)-x*s; result[0,2] := x*z * (1-c)-y*s; result[1,2] := y*z * (1-c)+x*s; result[2,2] := (z*z) * (1-c)+c; end;
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