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Carline Degregori Muenchen Master Dissertation

  • chris 

Title: MBSE and the Parametric Analysis applied to Microgravity Experiment Systems

Abstract: More and more complex systems are being developed with the constant technological advances currently in place. To enable this development, approaches like Systems Engineering and MBSE have been more utilized than ever in industries, for allowing a holistic view of the product and the project, enhancing communication between all involved parties. However, there is still a gap in knowledge related to the verification of models developed using MBSE. Thus, the present dissertation proposes the realization of a case study of a microgravity experimentation system, utilizing MBSE through the Capella tool and the verification of what was described in the model through a parametric analysis using Simulink. In the end, data that connects with the stakeholder’s requirements is presented, proving rastreability of the model’s validity in the application.