basAR - Behavioral Authoring System for Augmented Reality  

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basAR is an Augmented Reality Environment to create and use applications where behavior can be programmed to enhance the augmented experience. Some application examples are puzzles, building guides, schooling, games, etc. basAR applications are based on a concept of action points. Action points are the center of reactive zones from the Structure Layer that are placed relatively of Infrastructure Layer object, in the base Marker. The Actuator Layer object, the Actuator Marker, also has an action point. The virtual collision between a structure action point and an actuator action point, or structure action point and another structure action point carried by the actuator action point provokes a reaction. On basAR the collision reaction or collision feedbacks can be dynamically configured on the authoring mode.   

The system authoring is done by configuration files that are read by the basAR software. Using basAR the augmented reality application doesn`t need to be programmed using a computer language as C/C++, Java, etc., the objects and the behavior are read from configuration files. 

Agradecimentos: Os autores agradecem ao CNPq (Proc. #558842/2009-7 e #559912/2010-2) e à FAPEMIG (Proc. #APQ-03643-10), pelos financiamentos aos Projetos ATIRA e AIPRA, que viabilizaram o desenvolvimento deste trabalho. 

Acknowledgments: The authors thank the CNPq (Proc. #558842/2009-7 e #559912/2010-2) and FAPEMIG (Proc. #APQ-03643-10), by financing the projects ATIRA and AIPRA, which made possible the development of this work.